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WWDC Fire Resistant Drum Covers

Wire Wizard

WWDC Fire Resistant Drum Covers


Wire Wizard® durable fire-resistant covers provide effective protection for fiber or cardboard packaging located near the weld cell. In the US, fire resistant covers are required by OSHA for all combustible wire packaging within 35 ft (10.7m) of the arc. Available for round, square or octagon bulk wire packages.

  • Constructed of tough fire-resistant material
  • Simple slip-on/slip-off design
  • OSHA & NFPA (USA) codes require fire protection for any combustible wire packaging within 35 ft (10.7m) of the arc
  • Covers meet NFPA Code 51b, “Standard for Fire Prevention During Welding, Cutting and Other Hot Work”

OSHA & NFPA Information:

OSHA Standard Number: 1910.252(a)(2)(vii)
Relocation of combustibles. Where practicable, all combustibles shall be relocated at least 35 feet (10.7 m) from the work site. Where relocation is impracticable, combustibles shall be protected with flameproofed covers or otherwise shielded with metal or asbestos guards or curtains.

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